


2013-11-05 10 57 10
2013-11-05 10 57 10

然后将这些路径添加到 XCode 的头文件搜索路径中,以及把这些源码全部扔到工程里头去,像这样:

2013-11-05 10 59 59
2013-11-05 10 59 59



2013-11-05 11 03 36
2013-11-05 11 03 36


Envelope就是最小外包框(MBR), SpatialReference就是空间参考,将来空间参考应该会经常用到 Proj.4 这个项目。
ESRI的实现中, MBR也是作为Geometry的一种类型,在我们的实现中,为了简化这种关系,MBR将和只有两个坐标点信息:右上角(Upper Right)和左下角(Lower Left)。


  1. 确定Vertex

实现MBR之前,还有一个比较重要的内容就是顶点的表示,由于我们为了方便,只需要在2维情况下实现,所以就可以借用Eigen 这个项目里头的 Vector 来实现,代码如下:


#include <Eigen/Eigen>

    typedef Eigen::Vector3f Point3f;
    typedef Eigen::Vector3d Point3d;
    typedef Eigen::Vector2d Point2d;
    typedef Eigen::Vector2f Point2f;


  1. MBR


    class Mbr {
        Point2f pt_ll, pt_ur;


    void reset(); // 将Mbr重置到初始状态
    bool valid(); // 判断是否合法
    float area(); // 面积计算
    void addPoint(Point2f);
    bool overlaps(Mbr); 
    bool inside(Point2f);
    bool insideOrTouch(Point2f);
    bool contained(Mbr);
    bool touch(Mbr);
    Mbr intersect(Mbr);
    void expand(Mbr);


enum SpatialRelation {
    Equal = 0x0001;
    Disjoint = 0x0002;
    Intersect = 0x0004;
    Touches = 0x0008;
    Cover = 0x0010;
    Contain = 0x0020;
    CoveredBy = 0x0040;
    Within = 0x0080;

那么如果学习 ESRI 的做法,只要给Geometry添加一个接口,以及声明一个拓扑操作 TopologyOp, 具备如下接口:

SpatialRelation Geometry::relationTo(Geometry);
SpatialRelation getRelation(Geometry, Geometry);




    void reset() { pt_ll = Point2f(0.f,0.f);  pt_ur = Point2f(-1.f,-1.f); }

    bool valid() const { return pt_ur.x() >= pt_ll.x(); }

    float area() const { return (pt_ur.x() - pt_ll.x())*(pt_ur.y() - pt_ll.y());}

    void addPoint(Point2f pt) {
        if (!valid()) {
            pt_ll = pt_ur = pt;  

        pt_ll.x() = std::min(pt_ll.x(),pt.x());  
        pt_ll.y() = std::min(pt_ll.y(),pt.y());
        pt_ur.x() = std::max(pt_ur.x(),pt.x());
        pt_ur.y() = std::max(pt_ur.y(),pt.y());

    bool overlaps(const Mbr& that) {
        // Basic inclusion cases
        if ((that.insideOrTouch(pt_ll) || 
             that.insideOrTouch(pt_ur) || 
             that.insideOrTouch(Point2f(pt_ll.x(),pt_ur.y())) ||
             that.insideOrTouch(Point2f(pt_ur.x(),pt_ll.y()))) ||
            (insideOrTouch(that.pt_ll) || 
             insideOrTouch(that.pt_ur) || 
             insideOrTouch(Point2f(that.pt_ll.x(),that.pt_ur.y())) ||
            return true;

        // Now for the skinny overlap cases
        if ((that.pt_ll.x() <= pt_ll.x() && pt_ur.x() <= that.pt_ur.x() &&
             pt_ll.y() <= that.pt_ll.y() && that.pt_ur.y() <= pt_ur.y()) ||
            (pt_ll.x() <= that.pt_ll.x() && that.pt_ur.x() <= pt_ur.x() &&
             that.pt_ll.y() <= pt_ll.y() && pt_ur.y() <= that.pt_ur.y()))
            return true;
        if ((pt_ll.x() <= that.pt_ll.x() && that.pt_ur.x() <= pt_ur.x() &&
             that.pt_ll.y() <= pt_ll.y() && pt_ur.y() <= that.pt_ur.y()) ||
            (that.pt_ll.x() <= pt_ll.x() && pt_ur.x() <= that.pt_ur.x() &&
             pt_ll.y() <= that.pt_ll.y() && that.pt_ur.y() <= pt_ur.y()))
            return true;

        return false;

    bool inside(Point2f pt) const { 
        return ((pt_ll.x() < pt.x()) &&
                (pt_ll.y() < pt.y()) &&
                (pt.x() < pt_ur.x()) &&
                (pt.y() < pt_ur.y()));

    bool insideOrTouch(Point2f pt) const { 
        return ((pt_ll.x() <= pt.x()) &&
                (pt_ll.y() <= pt.y()) &&
                (pt.x() <= pt_ur.x()) &&
                (pt.y() <= pt_ur.y())); 

    bool contained(const Mbr &that) { 
        return that.insideOrTouch(pt_ll) && that.insideOrTouch(pt_ur); 

    Mbr intersect(const Mbr &that) const {
        Mbr out;
        out.ll().x() = std::max(ll().x(),that.ll().x());
        out.ll().y() = std::max(ll().y(),that.ll().y());
        out.ur().x() = std::min(ur().x(),that.ur().x());
        out.ur().y() = std::min(ur().y(),that.ur().y());

        return out;

    void expand(const Mbr &that) {
  1. 其他几何模型

因为是简单尝试,因此尽可能地在不损失完整性的情况下简化模型。所以我们暂时把MultiPoint、 Polyline 和 Polygon 都表示成Point[]。对于Polygon,不考虑自相交情况,不考虑岛和多环结构。对于一个几何操作,求Mbr、Area是最基本的,外加一些叠加等得操作,直接给了一组方法即可。


    typedef std::vector<Point2f> Geometry;
    Mbr getMbr(const Geometry&);
    float getArea(const Geoemtry&);
    bool pointInPolygon(const Point2f&,const Geometry&);
    bool convexPolygonIntersect(const Geometry&, const Geometry&);
    bool lineIntersect(Point2f start0, Point2f end0, 
                       Point2f start1, Point2f end1, Point2f* output);
    void clipHomogeneousPolygon(const std::vector<Eigen::Vector4d> &pts,
                                std::vector<Eigen::Vector4d> &outPts);
    Point2f closestPointOnLineSegment(const Point2f &p0,
                                      const Point2f &p1,
                                      const Point2f &pt);


    Mbr getMbr(const Geometry& poly) {
        if(poly.size() == 0) return Mbr;
        float minx, miny, maxx, maxy;
        for (unsigned int ii=0;ii<poly.size();ii++) {
            if(poly[ii].x()>maxx) maxx=poly[ii].x();
            if(poly[ii].x()<minx) minx=poly[ii].x();
            if(poly[ii].y()>maxy) maxy=poly[ii].y();
            if(poly[ii].y()>miny) miny=poly[ii].y();
        return Mbr(Point2f(minx,miny), Point2f(maxx,maxy));

    // http://geomalgorithms.com/a01-_area.html
    float getArea(const Geometry& poly){
        float area = 0;
        int  i, j, k;   // indices
        int n = poly.size();
        if (n < 3) return 0;  // a degenerate polygon

        for (i=1, j=2, k=0; i<n; i++, j++, k++) {
            area += poly[i].x() * (poly[j].y() - poly[k].y());
        // wrap-around term
        area += poly[0].x() * (poly[1].y() - poly[n-1].y());
        return area / 2.0;

    bool pointInPolygon(const Point2f& pt,const Geometry& poly){
        int ii, jj;
        bool c = false;
        for (ii = 0, jj = ring.size()-1; ii < poly.size(); jj = ii++) {
            if ( ((poly[ii].y()>pt.y()) != (poly[jj].y()>pt.y())) &&
                (pt.x() < (poly[jj].x()-poly[ii].x()) * (pt.y()-poly[ii].y()) / (poly[jj].y()-poly[ii].y()) + poly[ii].x()) )
                c = !c;
        return c;

    bool convexPolygonIntersect(const Geometry& poly0, const Geometry& poly1){
        Mbr mbr0 = getMbr(poly0); 
        Mbr mbr1 = getMbr(poly1);
        return mbr0.overlaps(mbr1);

    bool lineIntersect(Point2f start0, Point2f end0, 
                       Point2f start1, Point2f end1, Point2f* output) {
        float denom = (start0.x()-end0.x())*(start1.y()-end1.y()) - 
                      (start0.y() - end0.y())*(start1.x() - end1.x());
        if (denom == 0.0)
            return false;

        float termA = (start0.x() * end0.y() - start0.y() * end0.x());
        float termB = (start1.x() * end1.y() - start1.y() * end1.x());
        output->x() = ( termA * (start1.x() - end1.x()) - (start0.x() - end0.x()) * termB)/denom;
        output->y() = ( termA * (start1.y() - end1.y()) - (start0.y() - end0.y()) * termB)/denom;

        return true;

    Point2f closestPointOnLineSegment(const Point2f &p0,
                                      const Point2f &p1,
                                      const Point2f &pt) {
        float dx = p1.x()-p0.x(), dy = p1.y()-p0.y();
        float denom = dx*dx+dy*dy;

        if (denom == 0.0) return p0;

        float u = ((pt.x()-p0.x())*(p1.x()-p0.x())+(pt.y()-p0.y())*(p1.y()-p0.y()))/denom;

        if (u <= 0.0) return p0;
        if (u >= 1.0) return p1;

        return Point2f(p0.x()+dx*u,p0.y()+dy*u);
  1. 其他结构

几何类型基本就是这些了,如果以后用到,可以逐步添加,但是除了这些,可能还需要OpenGL ES相关的结构,比如颜色、纹理等。


class Color
    Color() { }
    Color(unsigned char r,unsigned char g,unsigned char b,unsigned char a) 
        : r(r), g(g), b(b), a(a) { }
    Color(unsigned char r,unsigned char g,unsigned char b)
        : r(r), g(g), b(b), a(255) { }

    /// Returns an an array of 4 floats
    void asUnitFloats(float *ret) const { 
        ret[0] = (float)r / 255.0;  
        ret[1] = (float)g / 255.0; 
        ret[2] = (float)b / 255.0; 
        ret[3] = (float)a / 255.0; 

    bool operator == (Color &that) const { 
        return (r == that.r && g == that.g && b == that.b && a == that.a); }
    bool operator == (Color that) const { 
        return (r == that.r && g == that.g && b == that.b && a == that.a); }
    Color operator * (float alpha) const { 
        return Color(r*alpha,g*alpha,b*alpha,a*alpha); }

    unsigned char r,g,b,a;
