接下来是OpenGL ES 2 的封装,关于 OpenGL ES 2, 可以看看这个规范 。
对于一个OpenGL ES 2 的程序,首先需要一个用来绘制的窗体(EGL API,iOS自己实现了EAGLView版本),将这个窗体添加到帧缓冲(FrameBuffer)中。然后分配一个OpenGL ES Context 关联到窗体中,有了这个Context,就可以利用GL的函数命令进行 点线面绘制、颜色光线渲染以及空间仿射变换了。
对于硬件设备对OpenGL ES实现差异,基本上都在窗体的绑定上面(EGL部分),对OpenGL ES的封装也会到这一层上面。
对GL来说,有7种绘制的对象,其属性集使用Vertex Arrays来表示的。这七种分别为:
- Point : 一堆独立的点
- Connected Line Segments : 一堆首位连接的线段形成的线段
- Line Segment Loops : 一堆首位相连的线段形成的环
- Separated Line Segments : 一堆独立的线段
- Triangle Strips
- Triangle Fans
- Separated Triangle
例如有传入一个数组有6个点分别为: P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5
Triangle Strips: 4个三角形: {P0, P1, P2}, {P2, P1, P3}, {P2, P3, P4}, {P4, P3, P5}
Triangle Fans: 4个三角形: {P0, P1, P2}, {P0, P2, P3}, {P0, P3, P4}, {P0, P4, P5}
Separated Triangle: 两个三角形: {P0, P1, P2}, {P3, P4, P5}
那么 Vertex Arrays 又是什么东西呢?
Vertex Arrays 准确地说应该是顶点数据在客户端的存储位置(这就涉及 GL2 可编程的概念),服务器端的存放位置成为 Buffer Objects。
void VertexAttribPointer( uint index, int size, enum type, boolean normalized, sizei stride, const void pointer* );
通过void EnableVertexAttribArray( uint index )
和 void DisableVertexAttribArray( uint index )
Vertex Arrays 的元素通过DrawArrays
和 DrawElements
Buffer Objects 不知道中文怎么描述:
The vertex data arrays described in section 2.8 are stored in client memory. It is sometimes desirable to store frequently used client data, such as vertex array data, in high-performance server memory. GL buffer objects provide a mechanism that clients can use to allocate, initialize, and render from such memory.
前面提到的DrawArrays和DrawElements里,处理顶点的叫做顶点着色器了(Vertex Shader),那么这货又是啥?
着色器的通过GLSL(OpenGL ES Shading Language)描述,于是我们开始接触 GL 的可编程部分了。那么如何使用顶点着色器呢?
- 源码编写
- 载入到着色器对象(Shader Object)中
- 编译(Compile)
预编译成二进制的源码可以直接载入到着色器对象中。然后这个着色器对象附加到Program对象中。然后Program 对象进行链接(Link) - 将附加的着色器全生成可执行代码。除了顶点着色器之外,还有片元着色器 (Fragment Shader),也可以被编译、附加、链接。片段着色器主要用于栅格化过程中 (Rasterization)。 一个可用的Program 必须包含一个顶点着色器和一个片段着色器。
ShaderSource CreateProgram
↓ ↓
CompileShader → AttachShader
- Vertex Attributes
- Uniform Variable
- Varying Variable
这些变量基本都有 GetLocation / GetActive 等方法来获得传入位置和设置对应值。
当执行 UseProgram
之后, 着色器便开始工作。着色器工作的时候需要注意以下几点:
- 纹理使用
- 验证程序(validation program)
- 其他未定义行为
着色器处理完之后交由图元装配(Primitive Assembly),处理的步骤如下:
- 透视除法
- 视点映射
- 裁剪
- Clipping Varying Outputs
光栅化本身一个很重要的过程,包含点线面的光栅化、纹理贴图、映射、剪裁等过程。但我本身对其一知半解,等到了解多了再来谈,现在接下来讲讲前面提到的光栅化中重要的着色器—— 片元着色器 ( Fragment Shader )
片段着色器的创建、编程、附加和执行过程和 Vertex Shader 类似。
片元操作 ( Fragment Operation ) 的操作流程如下:
- Pixel Ownership Test:该测试决定像素在 framebuffer 中的位置是不是为当前 OpenGL ES 所有。也就是说测试某个像素是否对用户可见或者被重叠窗口所阻挡;
- Scissor Test:剪裁测试,判断像素是否在由 glScissor 定义的剪裁矩形内,不在该剪裁区域内的像素就会被剪裁掉;
- Stencil Test:模版测试,将模版缓存中的值与一个参考值进行比较,从而进行相应的处理;
- Depth Test:深度测试,比较下一个片段与帧缓冲区中的片段的深度,从而决定哪一个像素在前面,哪一个像素被遮挡;
- Blending:混合,混合是将片段的颜色和帧缓冲区中已有的颜色值进行混合,并将混合所得的新值写入帧缓冲;
- Dithering:抖动,抖动是使用有限的色彩让你看到比实际图象更多色彩的显示方式,以缓解表示颜色的值的精度不够大而导致的颜色剧变的问题。
- Framebuffer:这是流水线的最后一个阶段,Framebuffer 中存储这可以用于渲染到屏幕或纹理中的像素值,也可以从Framebuffer 中读回像素值,但不能读取其他值(如深度值,模版值等)。飘飘白云
根据前面简单地对OpenGL ES 2 的介绍,我们知道对于着色器比较重要的传入变量是Attribute和Uniform。
class OpenGLESAttribute
OpenGLESAttribute() : index(0), size(0) { }
OpenGLESAttribute(const std::string &name) : name(name) { }
bool operator < (const OpenGLESAttribute &that) const { return name < that.name; }
/// Return true if this uniform is an array
bool isArray() { return size != 0; }
/// Return true if the type matches
bool isType(GLenum inType) { return inType == type; }
/// Name of the per vertex attribute
std::string name;
/// Index we'll use to address the attribute
GLuint index;
/// If an array, this is the length
GLint size;
/// Attribute data type
GLenum type;
对于Uniform,不止name、index、size和type,还需要知道是不是纹理,所以 对于Uniform:
class OpenGLESUniform
OpenGLESUniform() : index(0), size(0), isSet(false), isTexture(false) { }
OpenGLESUniform(const std::string &name) : name(name) { }
/// Return true if this uniform is an array
bool isArray() { return size != 0; }
/// Return true if the type matches
bool isType(GLenum inType) { return inType == type; }
/// Name of the uniform within the program
std::string name;
/// Index we'll use to address the uniform
GLuint index;
/// If the uniform is an array, this is the length
GLint size;
/// Uniform data type
GLenum type;
/// Set if we know this is a texture
bool isTexture;
/// Current value (if set)
bool isSet;
union {
int iVals[4];
float fVals[4];
float mat[16];
} val;
一般渲染过程都会放在一个/组专门的线程里头去做,那么就会涉及多线程,为了时Program在多线程中可控,需要给每个Program一个实例ID,因此我们设计一个类 Identifiable
/** Simple Identities are just numbers we use to refer to objects within the
rendering system. The idea is that some operations are dangerous enough
with multiple threads (and prone to error) that it's just safer to request
an operation on a given ID rather than letting the developer muck around
in the internals.
typedef unsigned long long SimpleIdentity;
/// This is the standard empty identity. It means there were none of something
/// or it's just ignored.
static const SimpleIdentity EmptyIdentity = 0;
/// A set of identities. Often passed back as query result.
typedef std::set<SimpleIdentity> SimpleIDSet;
/** Simple unique ID base class.
If you subclass this you'll get your own unique ID
for the given object instance. See the SimpleIdentity
for an explanation of why we use these.
class Identifiable
/// Construct with a new ID
/// Construct with an existing ID. Used for searching mostly.
Identifiable(SimpleIdentity oldId) : myId(oldId) { }
virtual ~Identifiable() { }
/// Return the identity
SimpleIdentity getId() const { return myId; }
/// Think carefully before setting this
/// In most cases you should be using the one you inherit
void setId(SimpleIdentity inId) { myId = inId; }
/// Generate a new ID without an object.
/// We use this in cases where we're going to be creating an
/// Identifiable subclass, but haven't yet.
static SimpleIdentity genId();
/// Used for sorting
bool operator < (const Identifiable &that) const { return myId < that.myId; }
SimpleIdentity myId;
/// Reference counted version of Identifiable
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Identifiable> IdentifiableRef;
/// Used to sort identifiables in a set or similar STL container
typedef struct
bool operator () (const Identifiable *a,const Identifiable *b) { return a->getId() < b->getId(); }
} IdentifiableSorter;
/// Used to sort identifiable Refs in a container
typedef struct
bool operator () (const IdentifiableRef a,const IdentifiableRef b) { return a->getId() < b->getId(); }
} IdentifiableRefSorter;
/// Implementation
static unsigned long curId = 0;
myId = ++curId;
SimpleIdentity Identifiable::genId()
return ++curId;
- Program 的句柄肯定是需要的
- Vertex Shader 和 Fragment Shader 也是需要的
- 一堆输入参数
为了方便调试,我们给Program一个名字, 一个光线更新跟踪,所以有:
class OpenGLES2Program : public Identifiable {
std::string name;
GLuint program;
GLuint vertShader;
GLuint fragShader;
double lightsLastUpdated;
// Uniforms sorted for fast lookup
std::set<OpenGLESUniform *,UniformNameSortStruct> uniforms;
// Attributes sorted for fast lookup
std::set<OpenGLESAttribute *,AttributeNameSortStruct> attrs;
其中 UniformNameSortStruct
和 AttributeNameSortStruct
typedef struct
bool operator()(const OpenGLESAttribute *a,const OpenGLESAttribute *b)
return a->name < b->name;
} AttributeNameSortStruct;
typedef struct
bool operator()(const OpenGLESUniform *a,const OpenGLESUniform *b)
return a->name < b->name;
} UniformNameSortStruct;
/** Representation of an OpenGL ES 2.0 program. It's an identifiable so we can
point to it generically. Otherwise, pretty basic.
class OpenGLES2Program : public Identifiable
//virtual ~OpenGLES2Program();
/// Used only for comparison
OpenGLES2Program(SimpleIdentity theId) : Identifiable(theId), lightsLastUpdated(0.0) { }
/// Initialize with both shader programs
OpenGLES2Program(const std::string &name,const std::string &vShaderString,const std::string &fShaderString);
/// Return true if it was built correctly
bool isValid();
/// Search for the given uniform name and return the info. NULL on failure.
OpenGLESUniform *findUniform(const std::string &uniformName);
/// Set the given uniform to the given value.
/// These check the type and cache a value to save on duplicate gl calls
bool setUniform(const std::string &name,float val);
bool setUniform(const std::string &name,const Eigen::Vector2f &vec);
bool setUniform(const std::string &name,const Eigen::Vector3f &vec);
bool setUniform(const std::string &name,const Eigen::Vector4f &vec);
bool setUniform(const std::string &name,const Eigen::Matrix4f &mat);
bool setUniform(const std::string &name,int val);
/// Tie a given texture ID to the given name.
/// We have to set these up each time before drawing
bool setTexture(const std::string &name,GLuint val);
/// Check for the specific attribute associated with WhirlyKit lights
bool hasLights();
bool setLights(OpenGLESLight *lights,double lastUpdated,OpenGLESMaterial *mat,Eigen::Matrix4f &modelMat);
/// Search for the given attribute name and return the info. NULL on failure.
const OpenGLESAttribute *findAttribute(const std::string &attrName);
/// Return the name (for tracking purposes)
const std::string &getName() { return name; }
/// Return the GL Program ID
GLuint getProgram() { return program; }
/// Bind any program specific textures right before we draw.
/// We get to start at 0 and return however many we bound
int bindTextures();
/// Clean up OpenGL resources, rather than letting the destructor do it (which it will)
void cleanUp();
class OpenGLESLight{
OpenGLESLight() : _viewDependent(true) {}
virtual ~OpenGLESLight();
bool viewDependent() const { return _viewDependent;}
Eigen::Vector3f &pos() const { return _pos;}
Eigen::Vector4f &ambient() const { return _ambient;}
Eigen::Vector4f &diffuse() const { return _diffuse;}
Eigen::Vector4f &specular() const { return _specular;}
bool bindToProgram(OpenGLES2Program *program, GLuint index, Eigen::Matrix4f &modelMat);
bool _viewDependent;
Eigen::Vector3f _pos;
Eigen::Vector4f _ambient;
Eigen::Vector4f _diffuse;
Eigen::Vector4f _specular;
class OpenGLESMaterial{
OpenGLESMaterial(): _ambient(1.f,1.f,1.f,1.f), _diffuse(1.f,1.f,1.f,1.f),
_specular(0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f), _specularExponent(1.0){ }
virtual ~OpenGLESMaterial();
Eigen::Vector4f &ambient() const { return _ambient;}
Eigen::Vector4f &diffuse() const { return _diffuse;}
Eigen::Vector4f &specular() const { return _specular;}
bool bindProgram(OpenGLES2Program *program);
Eigen::Vector4f _ambient, _diffuse, _specular;
float _specularExponent;
两个类的 bindProgram 分别如下:
bool OpenGLESLight:: bindToProgram(OpenGLES2Program *program, GLuint index, Eigen::Matrix4f &modelMat) {
char name[200];
const OpenGLESUniform *viewDependUni = program->findUniform(name);
const OpenGLESUniform *dirUni = program->findUniform(name);
const OpenGLESUniform *halfUni = program->findUniform(name);
const OpenGLESUniform *ambientUni = program->findUniform(name);
const OpenGLESUniform *diffuseUni = program->findUniform(name);
const OpenGLESUniform *specularUni = program->findUniform(name);
Vector3f dir = _pos.normalized();
Vector3f halfPlane = (dir + Vector3f(0,0,1)).normalized();
if (viewDependUni) {
glUniform1f(viewDependUni->index, (_viewDependent ? 0.0 : 1.0));
CheckGLError("OpenGLESLight::bindToProgram glUniform1f");
if (dirUni) {
glUniform3f(dirUni->index, dir.x(), dir.y(), dir.z());
CheckGLError("OpenGLESLight::bindToProgram glUniform3f");
if (halfUni) {
glUniform3f(halfUni->index, halfPlane.x(), halfPlane.y(), halfPlane.z());
CheckGLError("OpenGLESLight::bindToProgram glUniform3f");
if (ambientUni) {
glUniform4f(ambientUni->index, _ambient.x(), _ambient.y(), _ambient.z(), _ambient.w());
CheckGLError("OpenGLESLight::bindToProgram glUniform4f");
if (diffuseUni) {
glUniform4f(diffuseUni->index, _diffuse.x(), _diffuse.y(), _diffuse.z(), _diffuse.w());
CheckGLError("OpenGLESLight::bindToProgram glUniform4f");
if (specularUni) {
glUniform4f(specularUni->index, _specular.x(), _specular.y(), _specular.z(), _specular.w());
CheckGLError("OpenGLESLight::bindToProgram glUniform4f");
return (dirUni && halfUni && ambientUni && diffuseUni && specularUni);
bool OpenGLESMaterial::bindProgram(OpenGLES2Program *program) {
return program->setUniform("material.ambient", _ambient) &&
program->setUniform("material.diffuse", _diffuse) &&
program->setUniform("material.specular", _specular) &&
program->setUniform("material.specular_exponent", _specularExponent);
至此,基本的封装差不多就这样了,而其他的具体的渲染代码,需要等到渲染部分才能确定,而且有些还是平台相关的代码(因为渲染到具体窗体就需要EGL)。下一篇说说 SQLite 的封装吧。